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Types of Sessions


Inner Balance Healing Arts offers several different types of sessions.


Not sure where to begin?  See our recommendations



We offer assistance from a wide variety of healing arts, but we have condensed our session types into a few general categories to make it easier for booking purposes.


For any type of table session that works directly with balancing the energy systems, please book an Energy Medicine Session.


For the clearing of trapped emotional energy book, an 5E Emotional Clearing Session 


For help with daily emotional support, select a Bach Flower Session


You can also select a 5 Element Assessment Session for an assessment of your personal 5 Elemental Energies, a Life Path Session for life path support, a Guidance/Training Session for guidance and training in any area, or a Ho'oponopono Session for help with clearing stubborn energies.  And of course you can always book a Free Consultation for more guidance on what would work best for your goals.

Schedule a free consultation to receive guidance on which healing arts are a good fit for you.  Learn more

*This session can be done over the phone

An Energy Medicine Session is a session in which the client relaxes comfortably while their energy systems are cleared, supported, and balanced.  An Energy Medicine Session can bring in tools and techniques from any of the following healing modalities:


Click on any of the links above to learn more about each healing modality


You may request a specific type of healing modality for the session or allow the energy to guide the session based on your desired goals.  Requests can be made in the notes section at the time of booking or at the time of the session.


If this is a distance session, the client will find a quiet place to lay down and will be on speakerphone communication with the practitioner.  Simply indicate that you would like a distance session in the notes at time of booking.


*You can also try out the Group Distance Energy Sessions weekly program where for a low monthly fee you can have regular work done to balance your energy systems.


Bach Flowers are like "herbs for your emotions".  A Bach Flower Remedy session involves discussing which types of emotional states are troubling or tend to go out of balance for you and identifying what kinds of emotional patterns would be helpful to shift.  A personalized Bach Flower Remedy Blend will then be prepared to take home (or to be mailed if this is a distance session) for daily use in bringing greater peace and emotional balance.


If you cannot attend this session in person, it can be easily done over the phone and your personal blend can be mailed to you.  Please select the "Bach Flower Remedy Session - Distance" type session which includes the cost of shipping your bottle to you.


To get a refill of your personal blend, please select either the In-Person or Distance refill sessions and your personal blend will be prepared for you to pick up or mailed to you.


Learn more about Bach Flower Remedies

An emotional clearing session involves identifying around 20 trapped emotions and clearing them from the body and energy system.  The focus of the session can be centered around a specific physical or emotional issue, a heart wall, or we can simply ask the body what it wants to have released the most for better overall wellbeing.


This type of session can be done in the clinic, as a distance session over the phone, or by email correspondence with the focus selected in advance and the results emailed at the end of the session.


A Generational emotional clearing session is exactly like a standard emotional clearing session except that the focus will be on clearing trapped emotional energy inherited from ancestors.  These types of trapped emotions will be cleared from you, the ancestral line it came down through (including parents and grandparents), and any of your descendants that inherited it from you.


Learn more about emotional clearing

A 5 Elemental Energy Assessment session is a sit down session in which, though various energy assessment techniques, the relative strengths of the 5 Elemental Energies will be determined.  You will then be given instructions and guidance on what this means for you as you move forward into greater emotional, energetic, and physical balance.


In a 2-Person session, both people will be assessed and given personal guidance, and then guidance will also be given on how each individual's energies are likely to interact with each other in constructive and destructive ways and how to lean towards more constructive and less destructive interactions.


Sessions can be done in person or over the phone.


Learn more 

It can be hard to know what do to or what steps to take next on your journey towards greater health and wellness.  A Guidance/Training Session will give you personalize instruction on the next steps on your path to greater peace, joy, and balance in the areas of health, energy systems, lifestyle, and personal gifts.


Sessions can be done in person or over the phone.


Learn more


This session is a combination of talking, energy work, and teaching.  Angela will use her gifts to read the information your life path is currently communicating, she will also begin to teach you how to tap into the information yourself and hookup energy systems to make this information easier to access.

Ho'oponopono energy clearing sessions utilize the principle that all things in the universe are connected and that changing one thing changes all things.  Ho'oponopono techniques focus on clearing disruptive energy from yourself in order to clear it from everything else.


For a Ho'oponopono session, simply write in the notes at the time of booking what you would like assistance with clearing, and the practitioner will focus on clearing it from a point within themselves which in turn will assist with clearing it from everything else it touches.  


You will receive an email after the session with a summary of what was experienced during the clearing including what connections were perceived and any information and guidance received.


*This session is not done in person or over the phone



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