ReFresh - ReVive - ReNew Program
Come back to your true self

Program Details
3 Different Program Levels
4-6 Month Program
2-4 Session Hours/Month
$195-$390/month ($230-$460 session value)
In-Person or Distance
Life takes its toll on us all. We all need self-care to replenish our reserves and strengthen what is weak.
This program is designed with 3 levels of care, depending on what level of self-care is needed and desired. Each level has been carefully designed to maximize benefit according to the number of hours per month undertaken.
Level 1 - ReFresh: Designed for those who just need a boost or who don't have the ability to do more at this time. This program will help you feel refreshed! *4 month program with 2 session hours per month
Level 2 - ReVive: Designed for those with deeper needs or who are able to do deeper healing work at this time. This program will help revive those parts of you that are struggling. *4 month program with 3 session hours per month
Level 3 - ReNew: Designed for those who need or want deep renewal at every level. This is our most intensive program and will achieve the deepest results. *6 month program with 4 session hours per month
Who Can Benefit?
Those who:
desire greater health
desire greater emotional resilience
feel tired
feel overwhelm
feel burned-out
want to take care of themselves for long term health
know that they deserve excellent self-care
These programs are designed to refill you energetically, emotionally, and physically so that you can have the strength to continue along your path and find joy in it.

Why Use a Program for Healing?
The energetic, emotional, and physical levels effect each other.
The energetic level shifts quickly into better balance, but also shifts out of balance quickly. Sustained energetic shifts will effect the emotional and physical levels. A structured program with consistent energy work helps the energetic level to stabilize for greater effect.
The emotional level is greatly effected by the energetic level and visa versa, but it shifts a little more slowly and is a little more stable once shifted. Shifting and stabilizing the energetic level will shift and stabilize the emotional level over a relatively short amount of time. But if the emotional level destabilizes (as often happens in life), it can easily throw out the energetic level.
The physical level is more difficult to shift because it is more solid and usually takes consistent effort over time at the energetic and emotional levels. But once it shifts, it holds its new balance well.
After years of experience, these programs have been carefully designed to help keep the energetic and emotional shifts moving in a healing direction, while supporting the physical, leading to long term energetic, emotional and physical shifts.
Though, you are of course always welcome to chart your own healing path, choosing the sessions you feel drawn to that you feel support your healing on your own schedule. You are also welcome to supplement any of these programs with additional sessions if you desire.
Level 1 - ReFresh
This program offers a gentle path to refreshment that lasts long term. It runs a short 4 months and only requires 2 hours a month.
Healing Modalities used:
Bach Flower Remedies for emotional support and long term balancing
Chinese 5 Energy Archetype Analysis and support for balancing core issues
Energy Balancing Sessions to clear disruptive energy, refill with clean energy, and support healthy energetic system flow.
Emotion Code sessions to clear trapped emotional energy

Level 2 - ReVive
This program offers a path to expanded healing allowing all levels of you to feel revived. It also lasts 4 months but uses 3 session hours per month.
Healing Modalities used:
Utilizes all the modalities from Level 1
Adds simple but life changing dietary advice and support to facilitate more physical healing
Level 3 - ReNew
This program offers a path toward true renewal at every level, bringing you back to your true self. This more intensive program requires a minimum of 6 months and 4 session hours per month, but the results are worth it.
Healing Modalities used:
Utilizes all the modalities from Level 1
Adds more advanced dietary advice and support to facilitate even more physical healing
Incorporates Foot Zone Reflexology to stimulate the body back to its healthy blueprint

Removing Blocks to Healing
No one is born into this world perfectly balanced, and we all pick up issue along the way in life. Overtime these issues cause physical ailments, emotional distress, and blocks in our energetic systems.
We have an absolutely amazing capacity to heal, our systems want to heal and are always actively working towards healing as much as they are able to.
We are all born with energetic reserves that I like to call our backup battery. And when we are young we have plenty of energy in our reserves for quick healing. But as we go through life and use up more and more of our reserves, we have a harder time healing. We develop blocks and disruptions at energetic, emotional, and physical levels that our lowered reserves simply can't push through anymore, lowering our resilience and agility to heal.
We can assist ourselves immensely in our healing by actively working to remove those blocks, clear disruptive energies and toxin, lowering our need to draw on energy reserves, beginning to refill those reserves, and by giving our body the healing tools it needs. Then watch the miracles take place as our bodies heal at every level as they are designed to do.
A Personalized Path
Each of us is energetically unique with our own unique set of issues, strengths, and weaknesses. And though these programs are designed with a set schedule to support steady progress, they are setup in a way to support you exactly where you are. Each session is personalized according to your unique needs.

My Personal Journey
I am just as flawed as everyone else, with my own unique healing needs. Every healing modality I use in these programs I actively use on myself, my loved ones and in my clinic with wonderful results. I don't offer any healing modality in my clinic that I haven't thoroughly researched, studied, and tested with excellent results on myself and others.
It was my own desire to heal that lead me to this line of work. And with the help of these healing modalities I have healed from chronic UTI infections, healed digestive issues, restored my energy levels, developed emotional strength and resilience, and regained my ability to enjoy life. I still have more healing ahead of me, but these are the tools I use to continue to make great progress.
I have learned that healing needs a multifaceted approach and that there is not one miracle healing modality that cures all. We are made up of many different layers and they all need healing and support. Using multiple healing modalities at once in a carefully designed way helps to synergistically heal the whole person. This is the approach I use for myself and my loved ones.
Support without Stress
These programs have been carefully constructed in such a way as to give individual support, while staying within an easy structure that is not overwhelming in time, financially, or with too much efforting. And while you will begin to results after only the 1st month, 4-6 months is the minimum amount of time needed to make really solid, long lasting change. You are welcome to continue with the program past the initial 4-6 months if desired.

Modalities Included in the Program
Bach Flower Remedies for Emotional Balancing: An initial 1 hour session for determining your personal emotional balancing mix, plus monthly refills. More about Bach Flower Remedies
Chinese 5 Energy Personality Archetype Analysis and Support: An initial 1 hour session for determining archetype and sensory type plus monthly support for greater balance. More about Chinese 5 Energy Theory
Emotion Code Sessions to Remove Trapped Emotional Energy: Specific issues will be selected to be cleared. More about Emotion Code
Heart Wall Removal: Removing the Heart Wall is key to allowing abundance to flow. Uses Emotion Code Techniques
Ho'oponopono to Clear Internal Issues: Training will be given on how to use this powerful tool to not just manage or cope with issues, but to actually clear them so they no longer cause a problem. Short meditations will be done together.
Energy Balancing Sessions: 1 hour energy medicine sessions. The type of session can be selected from any that I offer and will be determined based on what will be most beneficial. List of available session types
Foot Zone Reflexology Sessions: 1 hour Foot Zone sessions to simulate you body back to its healthy blueprint. More about Foot Zone Reflexology
Dietary Support: Food is medicine and gives your body the building blocks to heal. But, it's a jungle of dietary advise out there, so cut out the gibberish and get to the real answers that i have spent a decade searching for, researching and testing.
Monthly Session Schedule
All sessions will be scheduled at the start of the program so that the structure is established and the stress of constantly booking sessions is removed. Individual sessions can be moved as needed.
Level 1 - ReFresh
4 Months
2 Session Hours/Month
$195/month ($230 session value)
Month 1
Week 1 – 1 hour Bach Flower Session with bottle of personal blend
Week 2 –
Week 3 – 1 hour Energy Balancing Session
Week 4 –
Month 2
Week 1 - 1 hour 5 Element Analysis and Support & Bach Flower refill
Week 2 -
Week 3 - ½ hour Emotion Code Session
Week 4 -
Month 3-4 & Beyond
Week 1 - 1 hour Energy Balancing Session & Bach Flower refill
Week 2 -
Week 3 - ½ hour Emotion Code Session
Week 4 –
Level 2 - ReVive
4 Months
3 Session Hours/Month
$295/month ($345 session value)
Month 1
Week 1 – 1 hour Bach Flower Session with bottle of personal blend
Week 2 – ½ hour Emotion Code Session
Week 3 – 1 hour 5 Element Analysis and Support
Week 4 – ½ hour Emotion Code Session
Month 2
Week 1 - ½ hour Dietary Support Session & Bach Flower refill
Week 2 - ½ hour Ho'oponopono Training/Session
Week 3 - 1 hour Energy Balancing Session
Week 4 - ½ hour Emotion Code Session with Ho'oponopono
Month 3-4 & Beyond
Week 1 - ½ hour Dietary and/or 5 Element Support Session & Bach Flower refill
Week 2 - ½ hour Emotion Code Session with Ho'oponopono
Week 3 - 1 hour Energy Balancing Session
Week 4 – ½ hour Emotion Code Session with Ho'oponopono
Level 3 - ReNew
6 Months
4 Session Hours/Month
$390/month ($460 session value)
Month 1
Week 1 – 1 hour Bach Flower Session with bottle of personal blend
Week 2 – 1 hour Energy Balancing Session
Week 3 – 1 hour 5 Element Analysis and Support
Week 4 – I hour Foot Zone Reflexology Session
Month 2
Week 1 - ½ hour Dietary Support Session & Bach Flower refill
Week 2 - 1 hour Energy Balancing Session
Week 3 - I hour Foot Zone Reflexology Session
Week 4 - (2) ½ hour Heart Wall Sessions
Month 3
Week 1 - ½ hour 5 Element Support Session & Bach Flower refill
Week 2 - 1 hour Energy Balancing Session
Week 3 - I hour Foot Zone Reflexology Session
Week 4 – ½ hour Ho'oponopono Training/Session & ½ hour Heart Wall Session
Month 4-6 & beyond
Week 1 - ½ hour Dietary and/or 5 Element Support Session & Bach Flower refill
Week 2 - 1 hour Energy Balancing Session
Week 3 - I hour Foot Zone Reflexology Session
Week 4 – (2) ½ hour Heart Wall or Emotion Code sessions with Ho'oponopono
*These programs can be canceled at any time

To begin your healing path:
go to the Packages & Programs page
Scroll to the bottom
Select the "ReFresh", ReVive" or "ReNew" program
Signup and Pay for the program
You will be contacted to setup session dates
If you would like to discuss more about these programs, you may send us a message, or book a Free Consultation