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Higher Electrical Conductivity of Meridian Pathways

Writer's picture: Inner Balance Healing ArtsInner Balance Healing Arts

When you measure the electrical resistance of something you measure the amount a current that can flow through it. The higher the resistance, the lower the flow. Metals have a low resistance so electric current can flow through them quite easily, whereas something like glass has a high resistance and does not conduct electricity well. Electrical current, like water, will always follow the path of least resistance.

In the 1950’s Dr. Yoshio Nakatani was measuring the electrical resistance of points on the skin of his patients and discovered that there were very distinct lines where the resistance was measurably different allowing current to flow more easily. These lines corresponded exactly with the traditional Chinese acupuncture meridian lines. Meridian lines are considered the energetic blood flow of the body where energy runs like blood in a blood vessel.

Most traditional cultures have known of the existence of these energy meridians, but how wonderful to have modern science finally be able to measure their paths and scientifically prove their existence. Although science is not yet sophisticated enough to measure more subtle energies, we are quite good at measuring electrical current and the two usually flow together along the same pathways in the human body. And remember that 200 year ago, we couldn’t measure electricity either and it was a “mysterious force”.

Dr. Nakatani was also able to measure the existence of what are known as Source Points. There are 12 main meridian lines in the body and each one has a source point either on the wrist or the ankle. Source points are the most energetically active points on a meridian line, 4-6 times more active.

For more information on this fascinating research visit



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