Metal Energy
The Energy of Refinement
Metal Energy is: The Energy of Refinement and Structure
Primary Virtues: Refinement, Letting Go (of what doesn't server highest good)
Stress Emotions: Grief, Emotional Detachment
Personality Archetypes: Queen/King, Scientist, Ballerina, Saint, Knight, Samurai
Animal Metaphor: House Cat (intelligent, graceful and aloof)
Vehicle Metaphor: Limousine or Rolls Royce (for the most refined tastes)
Affiliated Colors: White, Silver, Gray
Organs: Lungs, Large Intestine
Sensory Organ: Nose (turn up your nose if its not good enough)
Season: Fall (when the trees let of the leaves that no longer serve them and show the beautiful structure underneath)
Country Cultures Strong in Wood Energy: Switzerland, Asian (especially Japan)

Metal is the energy of refinement and structure just as the metal we use to give structure to things must first be refined....
Common Personality Traits:
Thrive in structure and rules
Detail oriented and logical
Seeks perfection and enlightenment
Graceful and elegant if in balance, robotic if out of balance
The best or nothing (if they can't have the best, then they want nothing)
Common Personality Strengths:
Good boundaries
Letting go of what doesn't serve highest good
Perfecting skills
Cool and collected, even in a crisis
Common Personality Challenges:
When under stress they either feel sad at the loss of perfection or if emotions become too overwhelming they detach from their emotions and act from only logic
Can be very hard on themselves as they try to live by their high ideals
Don't do well with emotions (their own or others)
If Metal Energy is either very strong or very weak for you, working towards balancing this energy will give you more joy and peace in life and greater efficiency and effectiveness in all you do.
To learn more about Metal Energy:
Take the short free class "Chinese 5 Element Personality Archetypes" at the Online School
Take the in-depth "5 Element Foundations" class at the Online School
Schedule a 5 Element Assessment Session (distance or in-person)
To get support balancing your Metal Energy:
Join the 5 Element Mastery Track for guidance and self-paced programs geared toward balance
Schedule an Energy Medicine Session (distance or in-person) for direct balancing of your 5 Element Energies
Join a Program such as the Work Wiser, Abundance, or Life Path programs