Earth Energy
The Energy of Nourishment
Earth Energy is: The Energy of Nourishment
Primary Virtue: Compassion
Stress Emotions: Worry (for well-being of loved ones)
Personality Archetypes: Caregiver, Gardner, Parent
Animal Metaphor: Golden Retriever (huggable, loyal, friendly, kind)
Vehicle Metaphor: Mini Van/Full-sized Van (the more the merrier)
Affiliated Color: Golden Yellow/Brown like rich soil
Organs: Stomach, Spleen (pancreas)
Sensory Organ: Mouth
Season: Harvest
Country Cultures Strong in Earth Energy: Italy, Canada, much of Africa

Earth is the energy of nourishment, connection, and support as all things are nourished, connected and supported by the earth.
Common Personality Traits:
Loves comfort and loves to comfort others, especially with food
Loves to nourish (people, animals, plants, the earth, etc.) physically and emotionally with food, love, teaching a skill, assisting things to grow
Desires to be connected to family/community and loves to feel like they have a secure place in a group
Loves to host gatherings (game night, barbeques, dinners, birthdays, Thanksgiving) with family/friends/neighbors/co-workers
Work steadily like good worker bees and are motivated by fulfilling needs, nourishing and nurturing.
Common Personality Strengths:
Compassion for others difficulties
Loves to serve and feel helpful
Good at nurture lasting relationships and are the glue in friendships and other relationships
Provides stability for others
Good huggers!
Common Personality Challenges:
When under stress they worry over the well-being of their love ones and worry that they are not doing enough to help
Not very good at taking care of themselves because they are always taking care of others
Extreme avoiders of contention and will try to diffuse it an any cost, especially with food
Difficulty letting go of toxic relationships, can become co-dependent
If Earth Energy is either very strong or very weak for you, working towards balancing this energy will give you more joy and peace in life and greater efficiency and effectiveness in all you do.
To learn more about Earth Energy:
Take the short free class "Chinese 5 Element Personality Archetypes" at the Online School
Take the in-depth "5 Element Foundations" class at the Online School
Schedule a 5 Element Assessment Session (distance or in-person)
To get support balancing your Earth Energy:
Join the 5 Element Mastery Track for guidance and self-paced programs geared toward balance
Schedule an Energy Medicine Session (distance or in-person) for direct balancing o your 5 Element Energies
Join a Program such as the Work Wiser, Abundance, or Life Path programs