Crystal Grid Basics
Pure and Organized Healing Tools!
Crystals and the Piezoelectric Effect
Because of their unique, precise and organized molecular structure, crystals, such as quartz, are able to turn one kind of energy into another. This property is used in watches, microphones, ultrasounds, lighters for gas stoves, and those cool shoes kids wear that light up when they walk.
This is called the piezoelectric effect and it happens because of the precise, but asymmetrical, unit structure of a piezoelectric type crystal, such as quartz, and what happens to it when an energy is applied.
Quartz and glass are made from the same elements, but if you look at a cross section of the molecular structure you see how quartz is perfectly ordered and symmetrical and glass is not.

If you look at quartz more three dimensionally, you can see that the structure is symmetrical ioniclly as well, meaning that it has no positive or negative charge.
However, when even a slight physical pressure is applied, the structure deforms, a positive and negative side of the molecule forms, and an electrical current can flow. Amazing!
The reverse is also true. In the presence of an electromagnetic field, the crystal becomes slightly deformed as if it is being physically pressed.
So what does this mean for energy medicine? People who are very sensitive to energy know that crystals are very powerful energy emitters, but probably don’t know why. The piezoelectric effect is just one very well understood example of a crystal’s ability to effect and be affected by energy and how it can take one kind of energy and turn it into another. It all has to do with the amazing, repeating, precise molecular structure of a crystal. They are truly powerful tools for working with just about any kind of energy.
If you place a physical force, like a tuning fork on a quartz crystal, a weak electrical current will be able to flow through the crystal. This is well understood by science and is also used in many healing modalities.

Crystals Work Well with Each Other
The energy emitted or absorbed by a crystal also works very well with other crystalline structures such as:
Water: molecular structure behaves like a liquid crystal
The Earth: so full of crystal structures that is has many crystal properties
Bone: is a crystalline structure that generates energy every time pressure is applied
Fascia: connective tissue that runs through the entire body and is based on a crystal structure
So you can see that the earth and most of the human body (water, fascia, bone) all have the properties of a crystal and therefore are easily effected by the action of another crystal like a quartz crystal. Amazing!
Resonance occurs when energy frequencies support each other (instead of interfering with each other) to create a stronger frequency. This is one of the reasons the crystal grids are so powerful.

The Power of Crystal Grids
Crystals are powerful, pure energy tools that we can use to support and amplify the power of our own intention. These crystals are here on this earth for us to use as tools, to support us, if we desire to use them.
But crystals don’t just work with energy in the electromagnetic spectrum (as is well understood by science); they work with all levels of subtle energy. This means we can use these tools to amplify the energetic power of our own thought energy, or intention. The crystals can then hold and transmit that intention 24 hours a day. That is truly powerful! Think of what you could accomplish if you could hold a single intention all day long, day after day! While we as imperfect beings are realistically unable to constantly hold a specific intention day after day in a busy world that pulls us in all directions, crystals are perfect structures that can do this for us.
A single crystal or stone is a powerful tool, but when combined with other stones and crystals in a way that amplifies their energy fields, such as in a grid, they can be even more powerful! This makes use of the property in physics known as resonance, of energy frequencies supporting each other to create an even bigger frequency.
Crystal grids may seem complicated and overwhelming at first, but they don’t need to be. They can be simple and still very powerful! Crystal grids simply rely on the principle of using crystals in a geometric pattern to support each other energetically, and the pattern can be a simple as a circle or a square. And that’s really all you need to know! From there you can build on that foundation to amplify and refine the power of the grid.
Here are some other simple ways you can amplify the power of a grid:
Use a Grid Base with a Geometric Pattern: One way to amplify the power of a grid is to use a grid base with a powerful geometric pattern. Examples of powerful geometric patterns are the Flower of Life, the Seed of Life, Celtic knots, and Fibonacci (or golden ratio) spirals. These patterns are well known to be energy amplifiers of the crystals in the grid.
Choose Specific Stones: Choose specific stones for your grid known for certain properties. While all crystals and stones are capable of holding the intention you give them and transmitting it, each stone also has a natural vibration that it gives off, and if that vibration is in alignment with the intention of your grid, it will amplify the power of your grid. For example rose quartz is well known for assisting the heart and for giving off the energetic vibration of pure love. So, If you were to create a grid for the intention of bringing more love and harmony to your home, adding rose quartz to the grid would amplify the power of your intention by adding the natural frequency the rose quartz gives off. For more information on the properties of commonly used crystals & stones click here.
Charge it with Selenite: Selenite is like solid moonlight and it can charge any stone and keep any stone energetically clear. Use selenite in your grid, or keep it close by your grid to naturally amplify the grid's power and keep the intention pure and clear and charged.
Intentional Charge with Energy: You can setup a grid that simply relies on the inherent vibrations of the stones within it. This is already a wonderful grid. But you can also charge the grid with the power of your intention by simply focusing your intention on the grid. This can be done through meditation, prayer, or with any energy modality that teaches energy emission in some form (such as Reiki or Medical Qigong). A grid intention can also be set by simply putting a piece of paper under it with the intention written on it. Words are powerful!
Use a Crystal Antenna: Place an antenna like crystal at the center of your grid to broadcast more strongly the power of the grid. This is often done with pyramids and crystal points.
Energetically Connect the Stones: Make sure the stones are all energetically connected together by using a crystal point in your hand and with a slight pressure on it (to turn on the piezoelectric effect) draw figure 8’s (infinity signs) between and around the crystals to connect them more strongly.
But please don’t get lost in the minutia of grids, they really are not that hard. If the only thing you do is a lay out a few crystals in any pattern, they will automatically go to work for you. And all the crystal grid sets sold in our online store come with simple instructions.