Chakra Clearing & Balancing
Wheels of Life

What is a Chakra?
One of the body's major energy systems, they are spiraling pools of energy located withing the body. While there are many chakras in the body, there are 7 major chakras that go up the length of the spine from the base of the spine to the top of the head.
These major chakras are reservoirs of energy that govern and feed the organs and body systems within their energetic sphere. They are strongly tied to the endocrine system, and even though the ancients did not know this, modern science has discovered that there are major nerve plexuses (groupings) at the location of each chakra.
But the 7 major body chakras aren't just pools of energy, they each help process a different aspect of life and they store and process emotion and information about experiences regarding their specific theme. For example, experiences regarding safety are stored and processed in the root chakra at the base of the spine and experiences regarding love are processed in the heart chakra.

Why would Chakra's need to be balanced?
Life is full of experiences, some enjoyable and some traumatic. The job of each chakra is to process experiences so that we can store the useful information and glean the lessons we are meant to learn. However,events can often be too big to process easily or too much can be going on for a chakra to easily handle and a chakra's can get out of balance (over, or under), stuck, or stop communicating with other chakras. This causes emotional as well as physical issues.
For example, someone who has experienced chronic or traumatic events in which they feel unsafe (i.e. abuse, war, accident) may have issues in their root chakra at the base of their spine. If the root chakra isn't functioning well, then that person will continue to have issues with feeling safe even if the event has passed, and this will in turn effect the root chakra's ability to energetically feed the part of the body it is responsible for which leads those parts more vulnerable to physical issues.

How can chakra work benefit me?
Just like keeping your car tuned up makes it run better, keeping your chakra's balance and tuned helps you run better both emotionally and physically. Everyone can benefit from a regular chakra tune-up.
Sometimes there are deeper disturbances in the chakra system and they are the root cause of ill health both emotionally and/or physically. In this situation, the chakras need to be helped back into balance before well-being can be restored.
What is a Session like?
Working with chakra's usually involves laying on a massage table, fully clothed, while the selected modality is employed to address issues in the chakra system. Crystals, colors, sounds, essential oils, and/or just the practitioners hands can be used.
1 hr
115 US dollars
Chakra Clearing & Balancing can be done as part of an Energy Medicine Session, or if you prefer a full Chakra Clearing & Balancing session simply indicate this in the notes section at time of booking.
Angela's Qualifications
Angela loves and understands the deep importance of the chakra system. She thinks it is truely beautiful and profound! She has spent years studying it and has been certified in many healing modalities that work with the chakras, including Eden Energy Medicine, Rieki, Tibetian Singing Bowls, Biofield Tuning, and more...
She has many tools she can use to help clients with their individual needs. Her intuitive skills help her to know which chakras need the most attention and how they can best be helped. She is also skilled at energy testing to ask the body what it is most in need of.
To learn more...
Visit these sites:
Read these books:
Energy Medicine by Donna Eden
Tuning the Human Biofield by Eileen McKusick