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5 Element Mastery Track

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Balance is Bliss
The 5 Element Mastery Track is for those who are looking for support in balancing the 5 Elemental Energies within themselves and desire to journey towards being a Master of the Elemental Energies.
Membership is only
Join Today!
The 5 Elemental Energies of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water are the 5 fundamental building blocks of the Universe. If you desire to lead a balanced life full of peace and joy (peace + joy = bliss) then a balance of these energies is necessary.
Being energetically balanced leads to a balanced emotional expression in life and access to all the abundance life has to offer.
Emotional balance leads to less stress, greater health and an easier time making healthy lifestyle changes.
It is very difficult to make progress in life without a balanced energy expression. It is like trying to push your boat upstream without any paddles. With each elemental energy coming into balance your journey becomes easier. First you get 1 paddle and then another, and then a motor and then you finally realize that you can flow with the river rather than against it.
The 5 Element Mastery Track contains self guided programs for the balanced development of each elemental energy. These programs are:
Working with Wood
Fun with Fire
Embracing Earth
The Metal Method
The Way of Water
It also contains a library of
Mini Lessons
Energy Techniques
Info Sheets
To assist you every day toward greater balance.
Participation in the 5 Element Mastery Track Program will also earn you Energy Points that can be used for session and product discounts (more info about Energy Points)​
Use the 5 Element Mastery Track as much as you like while a member, and cancel at any time.
Everyday in my clinic I try to help people toward greater balance in the 5 Elemental Energies because I feel that it is the most important thing I can do to help people heal and live better lives. But I could never give as much help and teaching as I wanted to give and I certainly couldn't help 1-on-1 as many people as want to be helped, so I created to this program to help people get the steady regular help they need, as much as they want it and are ready for it.
If you would like to see what your highest Elemental Energies are
Take a Free Quiz
If you would like to learn more about
The 5 Elemental Energies
Visit the Online School
(take a free class or a more in-depth class)
Schedule a 5 Element Assessment Session
Join Today and Learn to Live a More Balanced Life!
To join the 5 Element Mastery Track simply:
Follow the link below to the Packages & Programs page
Click on the "5 Element Mastery" membership
Setup your membership
Download the App for more convenience in accessing the mastery track
A Happier, more Peaceful life is easier than you think
Join Today and Find Balance
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